Saturday, November 12, 2011


It's not about with who i've been with
....It's about with who i end up with

Guys have feelings too. They get their hearts broken just like you. 

They just hide it a lot better than us :)

I want a relationship where you can lay with each other & just talk....about anything and everything :)

Sometimes you need to take a break by thinking of HIM/HER
because, once you did. Maybe the Person that you've been thinking of
might Be thinking of you. 

‎--- You were on my mind when i woke up this morning, remembering your smile, your voice that makes my heart skip a beat...I was wondering when we'll be together, just the two of us... I miss you.. ♥

‎*♥* Missing someone isn't about how long it has been since you have seen them
*the amount of time since you've talked.
*It's about that very moment when you're doing something and you wish that they were right there with you. *♥*

If you truly love that person. You will wait for him/her.
And you'll never take him/her from someone else!.

I don't understand our relationship. Sometimes we're friends, sometimes we're more then friends and sometimes I'm just a stranger to you.

I can't find a reason why I like you, I just do. 
I can't find a reason why you should like me, it's up to you :)

If you see someone going away from you for the wrong reason, then the best way to make them realize their mistake is to let them go...::))

You probably won't remember the test you failed, but you will never forget the person you were with the night before, when you decide not to study :)

I want a relationship where you can lay with each other & just talk....about anything and everything :)

There are 3 sets of words that can instantly make a woman smile :-
"You are beautiful" "I miss you" & "I love you"

‎"Why is it that we spend a lifetime trying to define what love is.. What love means.. Yet we know in an instant if we are in it?"

All quotes from Best Quotes Hearts Quotes

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